You need a Sandbox Platform to get started. If you do not already have a Sandbox Platform, reach out to your Teal contact or visit the Teal home page to get in touch.

Create a developer account

Once you have a Sandbox Platform, visit the Developer Portal and create an account using your company email address.


Generate your API token

You can generate and manage API tokens from within the Developer Portal.

API tokens are scoped to one of two API environments:

  • Sandbox Platforms:
  • Production Platforms:

Sandbox is intended to be used during development. Once you are ready to go live, we will create a Production Platform for you. Calls to our API require a bearer token and are sent to our API using an Authentication: Bearer <token> HTTP header.


Make a test API call

Test that you are setup correctly by making a test call to the Retrieve Platform endpoint.

Run the following cURL command in your client and replace <API token> with your API token:

curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

If successful, you should see a response that looks like the following:

  "id": 12345,
  "name": "Platform Name"